Sunday, December 2, 2007

How to add the symbol in the page

How to add the symbol in the page

To add the symbol in the page

Step 1

To add the symbol in the page, first you need to move the mouse and go to the Content Librarian. After that, select the symbol you want to add in the page.

Just hold down the mouse key and drag the symbol to the page.

Step 2

If the symbol is too large, you need to go to the Edit tool bar to adjust the size.

Step 3

Next, you need to enter the size that you want.

Step 4

Finally, you will see that the symbol is smaller.

Edited By: Norasyikin Mahmud

© 2001 ISC/Inner Esteem

All rights reserved. All other product names and trademarks are registered properties of their respective owners.


How to work with Bevel

How to work with Bevel

To work with Bevel

Step 1

To work with Bevel, first you must select the object that you want to work with Bevel.

Step 2

Next, you need to use the mouse to open the Edit menu and open the Trim sub menu.

After that, you need to click the Bevel command.

Step 3

Then, select the corner that you want to be bevel. If you want to continue, go to step 1 and if you want to finish it, go to the next step. Finally, press the Esc key.

How to work with Rubber Stamp

How to work with Rubber Stamp

To work with Rubber Stamp

Step 1

To work with Rubber Stamp, first you must select the object that you want to work with Rubber Stamp.

Step 2

Next, you have to use the mouse to open the Edit menu and then open the Transform sub menu. Later, you have to click the Rubber Stamp command.

Step 3

Now, use the mouse to paste another object in the page. If you want to continue to paste the object, go to step 1 and if you want to exit the Rubber Stamp go to the next step. Finally, press the Esc key to exit the Rubber Stamp.

How to delete the Field

How to delete the Field

To delete the Field

Step 1

To delete the field, first you need to use the mouse to open the Database menu.

After that, click the Delete Field command.

Step 2

Next, you need to select the Field Name that you want to delete. Later, click the Ok button.

How to assign field

How to assign field

To assign field

Step 1

To assign field, first you need to use the mouse to open the Database menu and click the Assign Field.

Step 2

Next, it will display an Assign Field dialog box. Just select the Field Name that you want to assign the field. After that, click the Ok button.

How to edit the Visibility Option

How to edit the Visibility Option

To edit the Visibility Option

Step 1

To edit the Visibility option, first use the mouse to open the Database menu. Next, you need to click the Option command.

Step 2

Next, you need to click the Format tap and you can set the Text Font and the Text Height. You can also adjust the Text Color.

How to add the new field name

How to add the new field name

To add the new field name

Step 1

To add the new field name, the first thing you need to do is to use the mouse to open the Draw menu and after that, click the Options command.

Step 2

Next, you need to enter the Field Name and select the type you want. Later, you have to click the Add button and add in the list box. After that, click the Close button to finish it.

How to delete the object

How to delete the object

To delete the object

Step 1

To delete the object, the first thing you need to do is to select the object that you want to delete.

Step 2

Next, you need to use the mouse to open the Edit menu and then click the Delete command.

Step 3

Finally, you will see that the object is being deleted.

How to insert the picture from file

How to insert the picture from file

To insert the picture from file

Step 1

To insert the picture from file, the first thing you need to do is to use the mouse to open the Draw menu. After that, click the Picture command.

Step 2

Next, you need to use the mouse to draw the rectangle in the page. It will display a dialog box and you have to select the picture that you want to insert in the page.

After that, just click the Ok button.

Step 3

Finally, you will see that the picture has pasted in the page.

How to create the Duplicate offset

How to create the Duplicate offset

To create the Duplicate offset

Step 1

To create the Duplicate offset, first you need to use the mouse to open the Draw menu. Then, you need to open the Duplicate sub menu and click the Offset command.

Step 2

Next, you need to select the point and drag and draw the object from the point. Finally, press the Esc key to finish the duplication.

How to work with duplicate by parallel

How to work with duplicate by parallel

To work with duplicate by parallel

Step 1

To work with duplicate by parallel, first you need to use the mouse to open the Draw menu. Then, open the Duplicate sub menu and click the Parallel command.

Step 2

Next, you need to select the point and just drag and draw the object from the point.

Finally, press the Esc key to finish the duplication.

How to create the align to Endpoint

How to create the align to Endpoint

To create the align to Endpoint

Step 1

To create the align to Endpoint, first you need to use the mouse to open the Draw menu. Then, open the Marker sub menu and click the Point command.

Step 2

Next, you need to select the point that you want to mark. If you want to mark another point, go to step 1 and if you want to finish it, go to next step. Finally, press the Esc key to finish it.

How to create the Align On-Entity

How to create the Align On-Entity

To create the Align On-Entity

Step 1

To create the Align On-Entity, the first thing you need to do is to use the mouse to open the Draw menu and then open the Marker sub menu. After that, click the Point command.

Step 2

Next, you need to select the point that you want to mark. If you want to mark another point, go to step 1 and if you want to finish it, go to the next step. Finally, press the Esc key to finish it.

How to mark the Point

How to mark the Point

To mark the Point

Step 1

If you would like to mark the point, the first thing you need to do is to use the mouse to open the Draw menu. Then, open the Marker sub menu and click the Point command.

Step 2

Next, you need to select the point that you want to mark. If you want to mark another point, go to step 1 and if you want to finish it, go to the next step. Finally, just press the Esc key to finish it.

How to draw the dimension with Leader

How to draw the dimension with Leader

To draw the dimension with Leader

Step 1

To draw the dimension with Leader, the first thing you need to do is to use the mouse to open the Draw menu. Then, you need to open the Dimension menu and click the Leader command.

Step 2

Next, you ought to place the insertion point to where you want to insert it.

Step 3

Now, just use the mouse to specify the start point and specify the end point. If you want to continue the drawing, go to step 1 and if you want to finish the drawing, go to the next step. Finally, press the Esc key to finish the drawing.

How to draw the dimension with the Ordinate

How to draw the dimension with the Ordinate

To draw the dimension with the Ordinate

Step 1

To draw the dimension with the Ordinate, the first thing you need to do is to use the mouse to open the Draw menu. Then, open the Dimension menu and click the Diameter command.

Step 2

Next, you need to place the insertion point to where you want to insert it.

Step 3

Next, you must use the mouse to specify the start point specify the end point. If you want to continue the drawing, go to step 1 and if you want to finish the drawing, go to the next step. Finally, press the Esc key to finish the drawing.

How to draw the dimension with Centerline

How to draw the dimension with Centerline

To draw the dimension with Centerline

Step 1

To draw the dimension with Centerline, the first thing you need to do is to use the mouse to open the Draw menu. Then, you need to open the Dimension menu and click the Diameter command.

Step 2

Next, you need to place the insertion point to where you want to insert it.

Step 3

After that, you need to use the mouse to paste the Diameter in the circle. Finally, press the Esc key to finish the drawing.